Shipping Policy
Shipping for all orders within India is Free for orders above 4,000 INR. For all international orders from outside India, orders under INR 40,000 (approx. USD 540 or any other currency equivalent to the INR mentioned) are charged INR 1500 per kg (approx. USD 30).
If you have placed an order with multiple items, please note that your items may arrive in multiple shipments. The estimated delivery times are indicative, and, on some occasions, there might be some unavoidable delays beyond our control. We will keep you informed in case of any delays.
What can I do if my order dispatch is delayed?
We will try our best to get your products to you within the estimated delivery times. If the package has not reached you by the expected delivery date, please write to us at and we will try our best to resolve your issues.
We ship through registered courier companies for orders within India as well as international orders. International orders: delivered within 15-20 business days. Domestic orders: delivered within 8-10 business days.
*Please note that Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays are not set as working days for standard deliveries.
Duties & Taxes for international orders are not included in your order, and are over and above any shipping and handling charges paid at checkout. Most countries charge duties on imported items which are levied at the time of port entry and they vary based on the destination country and the products imported.
All orders are processed from our own warehouse in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Orders will be delivered to the shipping address mentioned at checkout.
Orders that have been processed and shipped can be tracked using the consignment/tracking number on the shipping agency’s website. Once your order is shipped, we will mail you your tracking number along with information about the shipping agency.
Our domestic delivery partners will attempt to deliver the package three times before they return it to us. Please provide the complete & accurate shipping address including zip code and a mobile number. This will help us in delivering your order faster.
For payment at checkout to India, we accept all major debit & credit cards (including Mastercard, Visa & American Express) and also provide Net Banking options across major banks. For all international transactions, we accept major Credit Cards (including Mastercard, Visa & American Express).